back to action physical therapy colorado

(303) 665-8747

Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine Management of orthopedic conditions is often accomplished through rehabilitation, surgery, steroid injections, and most commonly a combination of these treatments. Stem cell and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments have gained attention in recent years as less invasive methods for healing tissue. Together, these treatments are referred to as “regenerative medicine”. Both stem cell and […]

Back Pain And Sciatica

Back Pain & Sciatica How Do You Know If Back Pain Has Become Chronic? All of us have pulled a back muscle at some point, needing to spend a day or two cozied up to an ice pack and a heating pad. But when serious back and lower body pain, as well as stiffness or […]

Neck Pain Headaches

Neck Pain & Headaches WHAT CONSTITUTES SERIOUS NECK AND HEAD PAIN? By the time people seek treatment for their neck pain and headaches, it’s not because of the occasional twinge, but rather for problems that have lasted several months. Common complaints include migraines and tension headaches, not being able to turn one’s head fully, all-over […]

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain Why Can’t I Figure Out How To Treat My Shoulder Pain? Shoulders: We carry the weight of the world on them, but don’t spend a lot of time trying to figure them out. Yet our shoulders are each incredibly complicated joint systems. The positive aspect of this complexity is that your shoulders allow […]

Hip And Knee Pain

Auto Accidents Is Hip and Knee Pain Serious? Your hips and knees: they’re the largest joints in your body, connecting a large number of muscles, bones and ligaments. That means that much of the daily abuse that your body takes can ultimately impact your hips and knees. And when these crucial joints begin to show […]

Elbow Wrist Hand Pain

Elbow, Wrist & Hand Pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Typing, writing and jobs that require repetitive lifting continue to be a threat for developing the condition known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The debilitating syndrome is named for the tunnel surrounding the nerves connecting your wrist, hand and fingers. Overly stressing the median nerve can lead […]

Foot And Ankle

Foot & Ankle Why Are Feet And Ankle Problems So Common? Our feet bear the brunt of everything we do in our daily lives once we’re upright. They absorb the shock impact of all of the steps, stumbles and heavy jogging strikes that we ask of them. And, of course, we often “ask” this while […]

Neurological Disorders

Neurological Disorders Nerve Injuries, Neuralgia & Neuropathy Nerve injuries, including neuralgia and neuropathy can present with a wide variety of symptoms in different parts of the body. The important aspect to investigate is why did these symptoms start? Typically symptoms occur from abnormal pressure or irritation to a nerve or group of nerves. For example, […]

Sports Injuries

Auto Accidents Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a serious athlete, sports injuries are a fact of life. A twisted ankle or an aching back can usually be treated at home. But for those breaks and tears that call for immediate medical attention, or those pains that just aren’t going away, physical therapy is often […]

Balance Gait Training

Balance & Gait Training Bad falls are a constant worry for seniors and others who have physical challenges. And those worries aren’t unfounded. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths and serious health problems in the U.S. Improving your walking skills — technically known as your “gait” — and your balance are interrelated challenges. […]